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Sunday, 13 Feb 2005

Sunday Night

It's Sunday night already, the weekend is over

Saturday, 12 Feb 2005

Saturday evening

Got back from running some errands and tried to watch Kill Bill 2 after dinner. I almost fell asleep. I wasn't quite in the mood. I think I am going to get ready to go out for a while. Probably Gaslight. May meet some friends there.


It's the weekend! Got up late today. I am getting ready to go watch the Barcelona vs. Zaragona soccer match. This bar, Nevada Smiths, on the West Village plays all the European soccer games live.

I am leaving for Daytona Tuesday. It's work, but should still be kind of fun. Got the demo Tablet on Wednesday. It looks and works great.

Monday, 7 Feb 2005

Monday evening

Monday is over! Getting close to delivery date for the NASCAR program. I fly down to Daytona next week, should be pretty cool. Can't wait to see how the Tablet PCs perform. I get a demo unit tomorrow.

The weather has been incredibly nice lately, it's been in the mid 40's and even 50 since Friday. Very nice. It's 74 degrees in my apartment right now, and I have the windows open

Got a txt message from my friend Jen this morning, she is in New Orleans with some friends partying. Good for them.

Not much else new today.

Sunday, 6 Feb 2005

Tax Weekend

This weekend I've been doing my taxes. Since I moved from OH to NY, it's kind of involved. I have to file federal, NY state, NYC, OH and Cincinnati taxes. That's a lot of forms. In addition, the state on NY requires you file all kinds of extra forms to change your residency status. It's kept me pretty busy yesterday and today. Only have the OH and Cinci docs left right now.

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