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Wednesday, 6 Apr 2005

Wed evening

Beautiful weather, it's about time.

My traveling plans keep expaning. I will be in Cincinnati Mon through Wed, in Dallas Thu through Sun, and in San Antonio Mon through Wed. Should be back in town around Thu 4/21. Will bring back a few pics

Going out to get some food, I'm hungry.

Monday, 4 Apr 2005

Mon night

Super-chilly weekend. Lots of rain and almost-freezing temperatures.

Discovered a new restaurant in the Upper West Side called "Cafe Des Artistes", very nice, great food and excellent service. Click here to visit the restaurant website

Long day at work today. I'm traveling next week, going to Dallas first, and then San Antonio. I'll post more details later.

Friday, 1 Apr 2005

Coche nuevo de Jesus

Jesus acaba de recibir su coche nuevo, un BMW X3. Aqui esta una foto, recien estrenado:

Muy buena pinta.

Tuesday, 29 Mar 2005


Great weather, seems like Spring is here.

* He rebut el missatge que m'heu deixat al telefon. Durant el dia normalment estic a reunions i tal i sempre el tinc en modo silencioso, per aixo no contesto. Dema ja estare al cas si truqueu *

Monday, 28 Mar 2005

Monday evening

Super-rainy all day. Standard day at work.

From what I've heard, it sounds like Bill and Andrea are getting along well

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