Comments For Entry #72

Friday night - Daytona Intl. Speedway(Comments RSS)

The first day of the CR experience is over. Exhausting, but very rewarding. The brand ambassadors got here around 7:30 am. We trained them, then opened up the tent around 10 am. Stressful for the first couple hours, but got past the initial glitches. The girls learned how to use the tablets super-fast. It was chilly in the early morning and late afternoon (they weren't wearning too many clothes), we'll get them some space heaters tomorrow.

Everything worked out fine. Huge effort from the production team, our crew and the girls, they did great.

Attended a private party at 8 pm. The driver who won today's IROC race showed up. His car was outside our tent for a while, I took a few pics.

We do it all over tomorrow, and then Sunday.

The crowds, the smell of burning rubber and gas, and the (very) loud cars make for quite a unique experience.

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